GDC 2017 – Evolve: Adventure in Accessibility Retro Fitting

Hello again!

I am pleased to announced that I am also going to speaking at GDC17, in addition to GaConf, on the topic of game accessibility.

My GDC talk is an expanded version of my GaConf talk about the work required to retrofitaccessibility features into Evolve and Evolve Stage 2.

I will upload my slides once the talk it over.

Find it in the official schedule builder here:


Location:  Room 3020, West Hall
Date:  Wednesday, March 1
Time:  9:30am – 10:30am
Format: Session
Pass Type: GDC All Access, GDC All Access + VRDC, GDC Main Conference, GDC Main Conference + VRDC, GDC Summits, Tutorials, & Bootcamps, GDC Summits, Tutorials, & Bootcamps + VRDC, VRDC Pass, GDC Education Summit, Indie Games Summit, Audio Track Pass, Expo Pass, GDC Main Conference + VRDC


It’s always said that you should plan for accessibility from the beginning, but what happens if you don’t? Turtle Rock Studios learned the hard way with ‘Evolve’, but gained a lot of knowledge taking steps to make their game more accessible post launch. In this session, learn not only how to avoid the challenges they encountered but how thinking of gamers with disabilities made their title more appealing to the general audience for ‘Evolve Stage 2’ .


Attendees will leave with a practical example of game accessibility in a launched title, as well as the knowledge of how to evaluate their game for accessibility and how accessibility becomes good design for all players.

Intended Audience

Anyone interested in helping gamers with disabilities, looking how to make their game more generally accessible to a wider audience, or are interested in ‘Evolve’. Although no prerequisite knowledge is required, the added context of shipping at least one title will make it more relatable.

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